Spring-time in Pomeroy Green

CAModern Magazine Finale

For decades at Pomeroy Green, every new neighbor that moved into one of these Eichler townhomes was greeted with a […]

Pomeroy Green in 1961

Curious what Pomeroy Green looked like when it was first built? Visit the UC Berkeley Environmental Design Archives for a […]

Newsletter, October 2015

Pomeroy Green Newsletter Super-Scary Halloween Edition, October 2015 The Contractors’ Curse: Flat Tires What’s the connection? Well, contractors tend to […]

Paint mockup

Here’s an idea of what the new paint colors will look like. Keep in mind that this is a computer-generated […]


Latest News [Update 02/10/2015] – The city council approved the Planning Commission’s recommendation tonight.  This means 1075 Pomeroy will not be […]

The winning paint scheme

Your votes are in! Here is the winning paint scheme. Please take note that further changes may be necessary and […]