January 15, 2015 Newsletter


First, several people have asked about door colors. If you have a fine new door, or a wooden door, it doesn’t have to be painted the contrast color in our paint scheme. But if you have a plain old painted door, this is your chance to get it painted. We’ll offer several color choices.

Scheme E won handily, but of course that’s not the end of the story. For one thing, the paint color committee will keep refining the scheme according to shareholder comments and in consultation with our color expert. For another, the Board has the final say in adopting the paint scheme.

And the Board agreed that our process needs to include a preliminary survey of the repairs that will be needed to our siding, stucco, fences, trim, carport ceilings and concrete blocks. These have to be patched or repaired before we paint them. Once we know how much repairs will cost, we’ll figure out how much painting we can afford in this budget year, and what gets painted first.

That of course affects the paint scheme, since probably the concrete is in good shape and doesn’t need to be painted immediately, while a lot of siding really needs to be painted ASAP. So the paint color committee will need to figure out how to make a pleasing scheme that keeps our current masonry/concrete color while we save our siding. 


Before anything gets painted, though, we need to inspect our homes’ exteriors. If a contractor is in your patios, he’s checking for trim damage, termites and dry rot, at Pomeroy Green’s request. Please don’t be alarmed; let him in.  

If you know of damage to your home’s exterior, please tell Tony at Property Pro.  Revised Maintenance Policy If you have questions or comments about it, please tell a Board member or Property Pro, before the February 19 Board meeting.

Rear Downspouts

Watch your rear patio downspout when it rains – if you can divert the water flow away from the house, that would help preserve our foundations and back patio slabs. Call Property Pro if you need help with diversion.

Patio Policy

We all need to trim our trees and other plants away from our fences, remove the hooks for Christmas lights, take down anything hanging from the front patio overhangs, and plug the holes so the termites and carpenter bees don’t get in. This is in accordance with Pomeroy Green’s patio policy.  

Carport Policy

Please don’t store stuff in your carport. Our carport policy permits only working, licensed motor vehicles to be stored in the carport, with the option of covering up to 5 square feet of floor space with decorative items.  Please remove items from the carport walls as well. Every hole you put in Pomeroy Green is an invitation to termites and carpenter bees. If you have extra things to store, put them in your back patio where your neighbors (and covetous passers-by) cannot see them.

OK, that’s it for now. Have a lovely winter!