Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the participation of residents, in cooperation with law enforcement, to reduce crime in their neighborhoods. Neighborhood Watch groups take a proactive approach to fighting crime by becoming the extra set of eyes and ears for law enforcement.
The Neighborhood Watch program involves neighbors getting to know each other and working together in a program of mutual assistance. The program also teaches residents how to recognize and report suspicious activity or persons, and how to implement crime prevention techniques such as home security (locks, security hardware, lighting, and landscaping) and Operation Identification (the marking of valuable property with an identifying number).
Operation Identification is nationally recognized by law enforcement as a citizen’s burglary prevention program for use in the home or business. This program has existed for over 30 years and enables law enforcement to detect, identify, and return stolen or lost property to its rightful owner. The Operation ID program involves marking or engraving property with an identifying number and displaying a window decal to discourage burglary and theft. The ideal identifying number is your state issued Driver’s License number which is easily recognized and traced by jhgflaw enforcement. Avoid using your social security number.
Since 1987, over 148 Neighborhood Watch groups have been established in the City of Santa Clara. These Neighborhood Watch groups have helped substantially reduce burglaries and other crimes throughout the City. Citizens working together in cooperation with Santa Clara Police Department can fight crime in their neighborhoods the most effective way – before it begins!